Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy July 4th!

As we have our picnics and parades, listen to speeches, eat watermelon, and watch the fireworks as has become the 4th of July tradition, I invite you to think of the countries that don't enjoy the freedom that God has given us here in America.

Think of the countries under the rule of powerful dictators or corrupt leadership and thank God that we can elect our own government.

Think of the countries that can elect there own leaders but whose country is dirt poor and never have enough to eat and thank God that we are a wealthy nation.

I also invite you to think of those who protect the freedom we have here. The men and woman of the Navy, Air Force, Army, Marines, and many others who fight the never ending battle to secure our country and free others. Thank God we have citizens willing to lay down their life for their country and pray for their safety.

Take time to think about the many blessings God gave and still does give to our country each and every day and also pray for our leaders, citizens, military, etc. for while we have a pretty good country there's a lot of negatives so please pray for those!

Have a great Independence Day!


1 comment:

The White's said...


Great post! It reminded me of all of our freedoms. We serve a great God.
Thanks for the reminder.
